Philadelphia Red Umbrella Alliance strives to advocate for and service all erotic laborers in the city of Philadelphia. This includes full service sex workers, strippers and dancers, FBSM providers, online workers and beyond.
PRUA is run by sex workers.
Harm Reduction Tips
Preparing for a potential drug overdose
Stock up on Naloxone and fentanyl testing strips. If you're alone, experiment with using less to lower your risk of OD, and go slowly.
If you're using with others, try to go at different times and make an OD plan.
If you're using alone:
stay on the phone with a friend and make a plan in case you become unresponsive
Utilize the Never Use Alone Hotline: 1-800-484-3731.
Canary is an overdose prevention app on your phone. It will send an alert to a friend if you become inactive.
Safety Tips for sex workers
This is a harm reduction-based health guide for safer sex work in Philadelphia, with a focus on workers who offer full services in a variety of settings. It contains both educational material and information that might reduce the risks involved with prostitution. Decide what’s best for you.
Wear shoes that you can run in or that come off easily.
Don’t wear anything around your neck that could be used to strangle you, like necklaces.
Wear small earrings, clip-ons, or none at all.
When possible, wear clothing that doesn’t have to be removed for sex.
Don’t carry a weapon that can be taken from and used against you.
Using internal condoms (“female” condoms) gives you more control. You can put one in and pre-lube it before leaving the house and working. You can use an internal condom up to six hours after insertion. Internal condoms can be inserted in both the vagina and the anus. This is a good option for dealing with men who are resistant to using a regular “male” condom.
Condoms are legal in PA.
Brush your teeth, douche, or use enemas AFTER work, if at all, NOT before or between clients because tiny cuts or scrapes resulting from the douche, enema or toothbrush make you more vulnerable to diseases and infections.
Trust your gut. Always.
Be aware of your surroundings and when possible, pick your own settings.
Make sure the client is alone.
Have a clear idea of what the client has in mind.
Negotiate prices and services outside of the car and before the date begins.
Get your money up front and keep it separate from the rest of your money until you leave the client. In case he robs you, he won’t take everything.
Check for broken door handles or locks before getting into the car. If using a hotel room, be aware of all exits.
Try not to turn tricks in a desperate frame of mind.
Buddy System:
While working, find a partner who will know where you are or how long you’ll be. If possible, have them keep watch and walk you to and from your place of work.
If you don’t have a partner, fake it and pretend that you do by shouting out what time you’ll be back. If you’re in a more intimate setting, pretend that you’re texting someone what time you’ll be back.
If you need to get away, pretending that you have a prior engagement that you need to get to, or that someone is waiting for you (a boyfriend, a child or a family member you’re responsible for), can help ease the conversation.
ANY INFO like license plate number or color and make of car that your partner knows could be helpful in times of crisis. Share information with other women (example: description of a bad client).
When Working:
Try to be on top during intercourse – you’ll have more control.
Use LOTS of lube to prevent tearing (especially when using drugs because they dry you out). If you’re using internal condoms, pre-lube the inside of the condom with LOTS OF LUBE. It often gives a “natural” feeling.
Urinate frequently – having sex with a full bladder can cause a bladder infection.
Try to put a condom on with your mouth if the client doesn’t want to use one.
If you must perform oral sex without a condom, gargle with liquor, mouthwash, or peroxide afterward. This doesn't prevent the transmission of STDs or blood borne diseases, but it can't hurt.
Don’t let the client put his fingers into your rectum first and then into your vagina.
If attacked – use your voice and speed instead of strength and run toward lights and traffic.
Bodily Fluids:
The body has lots of fluids. Some are more harmful than others. A few hints:
Hepatitis B, C, and HIV may be in menstrual blood.
What mom eats, drinks, and inhales gets passed through breast milk.
Dry or wet blood can carry Hepatitis for up to 3 weeks.
Dental dams or non-microwavable saran wrap should cover the vagina for oral sex or cover the anus during anal rimming.
Hepatitis, HIV and baby-making sperm is in pre-cum and ejaculation. Every guy pre-cums before he ejaculates.
Get tested regularly for HIV, STDs, and Hepatitis C. Information never hurts! Ask one of the health resources about your options.